
Just Starting Out: My VA Journey begins

What do people want to read about? 

What story do I want to tell?

Two fairly big questions, alongside the little ones.  Will I ever win a client and did I do that right thing, leaving my employed role? 

Just. Breathe. 

Would you believe I have this tattooed on my foot. It was the final words I read in a trilogy by Rebecca Donovan ‘Breathe’ and its become a personal mantra for me over the years, and it’s something my husband says to me a lot more than I’d care to admit. 

It’s January 2018 and I’m now a full-time Virtual Assistant (VA). The chaotic corporate world is officially behind me.

I got the ‘VA bug’ in September 2016 when changes at work and in my home life got me thinking about what I really wanted. My priorities were all over the place. 

My journey began when I saw an advert to join a free webinar on Becoming a Virtual Assistant in the UK. That it! That’s what I want to do!

Working full-time and building a business was hard. May 2017 was when it really began. Up to then, I’d be busy preparing; setting up and learning how to run a business, putting the jigsaw pieces together, making sure I met all the regulatory requirements. There was so much to learn so much to read and my god, I’d never spent so much time on social media! 

I reduced my employed hours from 1st May 2017 which allowed me to attend some face to face business networking groups and, most importantly, I felt officially available to take on a client. So you can imagine my excitement when this happened less than a month after becoming a part-time VA.

At the time I thought I had extensive knowledge of business and administration in general terms, but the more I saw, the more I came to realise that my employed role was a bubble – a bubble of limitations.  There is so much out there!

Onwards and upwards!

We call ourselves Virtual Assistants. Because supersonic, multi-tasking, know-it-all Ninja is not an actual job title!


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